My predator guards and snake net

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Posts: 3049
Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:15 am
Location: Corpus Christi Tx
Martin Colony History: 2016- Visitors.
2017- 5 pair. 15 fledged
2018- 18 pair. 85 fledged
2019- 17 pair. 81 fledged
2020- 25 pair. 111 fledged
2021- 28 pair. 118 fledged
2022- 33 pair. 151 fledged
2023- 33 pair. 165 fledged
2024- 40 pair. 185 fledged
HOSP: Starlings: 3
Home colony: mix natural, super, Troyer and excluder gourds, enlarged compartment house. All SREH.

Satellite colony: Oso Bay Preserve: 36 PMCA excluder gourds, 4 natural gourds; 16 room Lonestar Goliad with Modified Excluder entrances.
2019: Visitors
2020: 3 pair, 11 fledged
2021: 10 pair, 30 fledged
2022: 11 pair, 35 fledged
2023: 18 pair, 101 fledged
2024: 39 pair, 181 fledged
PMCA member

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Think I posted this last year but don't remember...worth repeating. I know lots use electric predator guards, I havnt gotten there yet. No these are not anti drone satellites....
For those that do have traditional guards, maybe this is an idea. These are 18 x 1/4 inch threaded rods, holes drilled up near the top of the guard.
Dont drill too high up or the washers won't fit. Washers spread the weight and won't bend the aluminum, two bolts one inside and one outside the guard secures the rod.
I drape the snake net and start weaving it on, zip tie it to the rods. Last year zero snakes, saw some racoon paw prints. Works for me.
Down side is once its on its on. No removing it for nest checks. There is a way to craft it for nest checks, add two additional rods each side of the seam and it will open once the net on the 2 rods is removed but opted not to do it. Its high enough for me...I can reach the upper gourds without a ladder.
Whatever you do, put up guards and snake net. If you don't think you have snakes, maybe its a small population, you have them. Dont take a chance, your birds are sitting ducks. Put up protection.
Best to all in the new year, they will soon be upon us!
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A good house sparrow is a dead house sparrow.
Thomas Maddox
Posts: 328
Joined: Fri Jun 25, 2021 5:23 pm
Location: Sulphur, Louisiana

Nice! I used the threaded rods and did similar, i just didn't think to put the washer on. I have plenty of time as I shouldn't see PMs until late February. Best of luck this year! I saw first 2 reports are up! 2 arrivals in Southern Florida.
Posts: 3049
Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:15 am
Location: Corpus Christi Tx
Martin Colony History: 2016- Visitors.
2017- 5 pair. 15 fledged
2018- 18 pair. 85 fledged
2019- 17 pair. 81 fledged
2020- 25 pair. 111 fledged
2021- 28 pair. 118 fledged
2022- 33 pair. 151 fledged
2023- 33 pair. 165 fledged
2024- 40 pair. 185 fledged
HOSP: Starlings: 3
Home colony: mix natural, super, Troyer and excluder gourds, enlarged compartment house. All SREH.

Satellite colony: Oso Bay Preserve: 36 PMCA excluder gourds, 4 natural gourds; 16 room Lonestar Goliad with Modified Excluder entrances.
2019: Visitors
2020: 3 pair, 11 fledged
2021: 10 pair, 30 fledged
2022: 11 pair, 35 fledged
2023: 18 pair, 101 fledged
2024: 39 pair, 181 fledged
PMCA member

I tried everything (except electric) for the preserve. Had two on one pole at one point and used a erva nature house perch rod full of netting. I think this is good! Glad yours is the same!

Yes Tor mentioned the arrivals in Florida, hope to see them but they can hold up a tad for the coming cold to pass.

LA landlords are next!
A good house sparrow is a dead house sparrow.
Posts: 267
Joined: Wed Feb 25, 2009 4:35 pm
Location: Marlboro County, SC
Martin Colony History: 2025 Capacity:96
72 Hor / Vert Troyers on 3 X Super-24's.
24 Hor Troyers on Gemini-24.

2024: 72 pair - Fledge: 356
2023: 72 pair - Fledge: 342
2022: 72 pair - Fledge: 322
2021: 71 pair - Fledge: 325
2020: 72 pair - Fledge: 336
2019: 70 pair - Fledge: 320
2018: 60 pair - Fledge: 297
2017: 36 pair - Fledge: 189
2016: 16 pair - Fledge: 79
2015: 4 pair - Fledge: 21

Looks very good, Tom. I keep my snake nets quite a bit lower, underneath the winch. That way I can lower the rack a little lower. But, same outcome. Have had no snakes above the net. In it? Yes. A few over the years.
My "problem" is hawks. Putting out dove decoys all around the colony helps immensely though. Hope you have a great season. Happy New Year.
Posts: 3049
Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:15 am
Location: Corpus Christi Tx
Martin Colony History: 2016- Visitors.
2017- 5 pair. 15 fledged
2018- 18 pair. 85 fledged
2019- 17 pair. 81 fledged
2020- 25 pair. 111 fledged
2021- 28 pair. 118 fledged
2022- 33 pair. 151 fledged
2023- 33 pair. 165 fledged
2024- 40 pair. 185 fledged
HOSP: Starlings: 3
Home colony: mix natural, super, Troyer and excluder gourds, enlarged compartment house. All SREH.

Satellite colony: Oso Bay Preserve: 36 PMCA excluder gourds, 4 natural gourds; 16 room Lonestar Goliad with Modified Excluder entrances.
2019: Visitors
2020: 3 pair, 11 fledged
2021: 10 pair, 30 fledged
2022: 11 pair, 35 fledged
2023: 18 pair, 101 fledged
2024: 39 pair, 181 fledged
PMCA member

Thanks Tor,
Thats a good way to do it. Too many dang snakes!

You too, hope u have a bang up 2025!
A good house sparrow is a dead house sparrow.
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