Can't believe it...Officially a landlord. :)

Welcome to the internet's gathering place for Purple Martin enthusiasts
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Posts: 31
Joined: Mon May 18, 2015 10:58 am
Location: Midland, MI
Martin Colony History: 2013 Heath hexagon 12 birds
2014 T14 added. Couple of visitors only.
2015 Four birds? At least one pair? 5 eggs in three different cavities! Abandoned.
2016 Heath house not put up. Only visitors.
2017 Only visitors
2018 No activity
2019 Visitors 20May only
2020 Visitor 22May, 3 birds suddenly 20Jun!?
2021 Nothing
2022 Sudden flurry 04Jun. Pair hanging out. High hopes!
2023 Few visitors. Disappointing...then moved from this house.

Thanks to some good input from some experts here, and a very attractive martin spot, I've finally attracted martins to a new T14! I suppose I can't take much credit. The folks at the local nature center thought that they had had some martins nesting in previous years. However, I didn't think anyone looked all that close to see if they were actually nesting or were actually martins. The old box was 100yds or so out on a little island. Well, they were martins! I'm sure they did all the hard work of calling in friends. Luckily, most of the new birds headed for the shiny new digs with spacious rooms. The first couple of birds that i observed checking it out seemed to have some trouble negotiating the Conley II entrances. The watched a martin struggle to get out over the course of nearly 5 minutes. I don't know if that one stayed, but others arrived who were not deterred. I kept a cellphone in one cavity (with a monster battery) and enabled alarms every half hour which were configured to play the dawnsong or the chatter which I had put into MP3 format. The longest I could keep the alarms playing was 25 minutes per time (otherwise the alarm was not self-clearing and the song would end after 72 minutes). This was to keep any visiting birds interested in the box once they found it. Not loud enough to reach the sky! (I doubt the nature center visitors would like that).

So...amazingly, I feel that I have four nesting pairs! I've counted almost 11 birds at the box at one time. I've seen nest material and leaves going into three cavities for sure, and I'm pretty sure about the fourth. I can't see the box at all hours, so I may be missing some stuff. I did the first nest check today because I felt that the birds were very attached to the site and unlikely to be scared off. When I showed up for it, no birds were right at the box, so that's a plus. Found five eggs in one cavity and three in another! WhooHoo!

Interestingly enough, most of the birds I would classify as ASY males and females. I might have a SY male or two just recently. I'm going to go over my photos soon to try to be sure. I just know that the two nests that have eggs are definitely sired by ASY males. Isn't that odd for a new colony? The old martin box still has two nests in it. Presumably those are returning birds from last year which have site fidelity. Maybe they had more martin pairs last year than they knew of and some of them switched to the T14. Otherwise, I'd wonder if a nearby colony had bad luck last year and I've got their birds.

I am absolutely thrilled to see so many birds making use of the new housing. I believe that SY birds should still be arriving here for a little longer. So who knows what this year might bring.

My wife was seriously fed up with the songbird magnet at our old house. It is SO wonderful to hear natural warbling and chatter and see their activities. Hopefully this site can make a ton more fledglings to go out and kick off colonies for local landlord wannabes.

Good luck to everyone out there. There's a little more hope for those in central Michigan. Thanks again to those to gave advice and guidance.
Cheers! :)
Central Michigan
Posts: 2876
Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:15 am
Location: Corpus Christi Tx
Martin Colony History: 2016- Visitors.
2017- 5 pair. 15 fledged
2018- 18 pair. 85 fledged
2019- 17 pair. 81 fledged
2020- 25 pair. 111 fledged
2021- 28 pair. 118 fledged
2022- 33 pair. 151 fledged
2023- 33 pair. 165 fledged
2024- 40 pair.
HOSP: 52 Starlings: 29
Home colony: mix natural, super, Troyer and excluder gourds, enlarged compartment house. All SREH.
Satellite colony: Oso Bay Preserve: 36 PMCA excluder gourds, 6 room trio mini castle with troyer tunnels and enlarged compartments.
2019: Visitors
2020: 3 pair, 11 fledged
2021: 10 pair, 30 fledged
2022: 11 pair, 35 fledged
2023: 18 pair, 101 fledged
2024: 39 pair,
PMCA member

Wonderful news!!!! You certainly can take credit, and should. Well done! The T14s are so attractive to martins, glad they are moving in for you. Hope you get more this season!
A good house sparrow is a dead house sparrow.
Posts: 720
Joined: Sat Apr 25, 2020 10:54 pm
Location: Rocky Mount VA
Martin Colony History: 60 gourds
2020- visitors
2021- 1 pair-5
2022- 5 pair-20
2023 34 pair-44
2024 39 pair-TBD

Big Win Andy! Atta boy and welcome to the neurosis of being a Martin LL.
"Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you." - Lao Tzu
Posts: 81
Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2018 8:58 pm
Location: Chilton Wisconsin
Martin Colony History: 2019 - Sighting
2020 - Pair investigating
2021 - Got 2 eggs. HOSPs poked holes in them. Commence HOSP reduction
2022 - Off to a good start, tree swallows took over and Martins left
2023 - Off to a good start, Martin population dwindled and they eventually left
2024 - New standalone pole and gourd rack. High hopes for success!

Nice work Andy,

Hopefully they stick around for ya!
Thomas Maddox
Posts: 273
Joined: Fri Jun 25, 2021 5:23 pm
Location: Sulphur, Louisiana

Congratulations! It's truly a privilege.
Posts: 313
Joined: Sun May 24, 2020 7:03 pm
Location: Scott County Kentucky
Martin Colony History: 34 cavities (combo of T-14, barns, and gourds)
2020- Visitors
2021- 1 pair, 5 fledged
2022- 11 pair, 36 fledged
2023- 20 pair, 78 fledged

A big CONGRATULATIONS to you! Nothing like having those first birds stick around. So happy for you- enjoy every minute.
PMCA member
Posts: 214
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2020 6:42 pm
Location: Fernandina Beach FL
Martin Colony History: 34 Cavities offered.
24 unit gourd rack with Troyer Horizontal and Vertical Gourds. Sunset Inn aluminum house with 4 Troyer Horizontal Gourds.

2020- 1 pair, 4 eggs, fledged 3
2021- 3 pair, 15 eggs, fledged 8
2022- 5 pair, 26 eggs, fledged 21
2023- 10 pair, 53 eggs, fledged 27

PMCA Member

Congratulations!!! It’s such a great feeling when all your hard work pays off and you get your first pair! You are now a Purple Martin Landlord! Enjoy all the happiness they bring each year!
PMCA member
Fernandina Beach, FL
Posts: 47
Joined: Thu Feb 08, 2024 11:16 am
Location: Missouri City

Congratulations!!!! They are such precious birds with such beautiful song. We are eagerly awaiting our first arrivals. They circle around, but haven't committed yet. Still hoping!
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