The guardian of the colony Meet the Tree Swallow

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Martin man RI
Posts: 440
Joined: Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:04 pm
Location: MA/RI area

Hello Folks!
I have 30 years experience with numerous colony's And we all deal with the fly over Cooper's looking for a fast meal. Well This is what i want you to do there is a smaller cousin
of the Martin he is there best protector. Common in northern states. The much smaller Tree Swallow Should a coopers hawk fly at the colony this little swallow gives the scariest
blood curling calls it almost makes you want to run for cover. I always set sites up with these little guys i know when i am not around this little bird gives it all he got to help the colony
in case of a raid by any hawk, falcon. crow. Some tree swallow are passive and others will even dive bomb me until im away from the colony i set the box right in the middle of the racks
and i feel i have 100% protection of my colony in day light hours while at work. If a human gets to close he will dive bomb them until they have moved on. Northern Landlords employee
this little guy you wont regret it. I know they can be impossible if you dont have martins but once you have a colony you must add a wooden box for the swallows.
There is a large flock of yearlings and they are all blocked by adults Points north of me are in for a big surprise once these guys move on. Many new sites will be started. I feel bad
but cannot support anymore.

Ray Marr
Rhode Island
Posts: 2876
Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:15 am
Location: Corpus Christi Tx
Martin Colony History: 2016- Visitors.
2017- 5 pair. 15 fledged
2018- 18 pair. 85 fledged
2019- 17 pair. 81 fledged
2020- 25 pair. 111 fledged
2021- 28 pair. 118 fledged
2022- 33 pair. 151 fledged
2023- 33 pair. 165 fledged
2024- 40 pair.
HOSP: 52 Starlings: 29
Home colony: mix natural, super, Troyer and excluder gourds, enlarged compartment house. All SREH.
Satellite colony: Oso Bay Preserve: 36 PMCA excluder gourds, 6 room trio mini castle with troyer tunnels and enlarged compartments.
2019: Visitors
2020: 3 pair, 11 fledged
2021: 10 pair, 30 fledged
2022: 11 pair, 35 fledged
2023: 18 pair, 101 fledged
2024: 39 pair,
PMCA member

Quite the helper! And enjoyable to boot, saw some videos of someone throwing white feathers up and boy did they go for them.
I wish we had them this far south.
You are lucky sir!! Good technique to house them in the colony.
A good house sparrow is a dead house sparrow.
Posts: 720
Joined: Sat Apr 25, 2020 10:54 pm
Location: Rocky Mount VA
Martin Colony History: 60 gourds
2020- visitors
2021- 1 pair-5
2022- 5 pair-20
2023 34 pair-44
2024 39 pair-TBD

Their clacking noise can catch you off guard when they dive bomb I thought yesterday was going to peck my ear...ducked and all. I agree, 6 pairs here and they are constantly sounding the alarm and they are very alert and protective.
"Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you." - Lao Tzu
Posts: 1025
Joined: Tue Jun 01, 2021 6:21 pm
Location: Laplace,La
Martin Colony History: Colony started in 1998. 2 s&k modified houses and gourd rack

Wish we had tree swallows down here in Louisiana too! Great warning system! But the grackles and crows help out with the hawk deterrents here..
PMCA member
Laplace, La
Posts: 269
Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2016 8:50 pm
Location: WNY
Martin Colony History: :
2022 - 1 pair, 5E, 4H, 4F
2023 - 2 pair, 9E, 5H, 5F

hopefully next year (or maybe the yr after), i will be able to let them nest here again. i've had to banish them as they are too aggressive against visiting PMs. i've tried all methods of the protocol w/ no luck. 2 yrs ago i had 1 pair (none returned the next yr) but got 2 new pair the next yr (none returned this yr) and this yr i have 4 or 5 new pair so hopefully i have enough that some return, claim the racks earlier so i don't have to keep the TS away. every yr that i've had to 'start over', they show up later than the TS.
Posts: 46
Joined: Tue Apr 16, 2024 7:52 pm
Location: Missouri
Martin Colony History: 2023 two gourd racks 24 gourds ,kept no records. Became an official landlord. 2024 28 gourds keeping records.

I agree, I also have a pair of tree swallows nesting in a box close to my racks. They are great protectors of the colony. I watched them drive off a blue jay and vulture that got to close to the racks.
Posts: 231
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:30 pm
Location: Long Lake SD
Martin Colony History: * 2016 - 1 nesting pair (ASYM + SYF) 2/3 eggs hatched 2 young fledged.
* 2017 - 4 nesting pairs, 16/17 eggs hatched, 16 fledged, 16 banded - 2 banded SY returned in 2018 (12.5%), added housing: 11 houses w/gourds, 4 gourd poles = 376 cavities
* 2018 - 10 nesting pairs, 46/52 eggs hatched, 45 fledged, 29 young banded - 3 banded SY returned in 2019 (10.3%)
*2019 - 32 nesting pairs, 145/160 eggs hatched, 139 fledged - 87 young banded - 12 banded SY returned in 2020 (13.8%).
* 2020 - 35 nesting pairs, 180/199 eggs hatched, 178 fledged - 150 young banded - 42 banded SY returned in 2021 (28.0%).
* 2021 - 89 nesting pairs, 363/446 eggs hatched, 355 fledged - 150 young banded - 19 banded SY returned in 2022 (12.7%).
*2022 - 116 nesting pairs, 495/579 eggs hatched, 471 fledged - 150 young banded.
27 banded SY returned in 2023 (18.0%)
*2023 - 160 nesting pairs, 708/828 eggs hatched, 572 fledged - 150 young banded

Tree swallows are indeed a good addition in close proximity to an existing martin colony. I have 125 single-unit nest boxes and gourds around the perimeter of my 40-ac property, 10 of which are within 90 feet of my martin housing. I usually have about 100 tree swallow nests each year. Between the tree swallows in the nest boxes, the bank swallows nesting along the lake shore, the cliff and barn swallows nesting under eaves of my outbuildings, the robins, brewer's blackbirds, grackles, eastern and western kingbirds nesting in my treerows and the red-winged and yellow-headed blackbirds nesting in the cattails of my marsh, a hawk has no chance at making a surprise attack at my martin colony. All of the bird species I listed (including martins) will drive off any hawk that dares to enter airspace within 1/4 mile of my home base!

Martin man RI
Posts: 440
Joined: Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:04 pm
Location: MA/RI area

HI Randy, Yes you are correct, I too have many of the others that gang up on the hawks.
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