BIG PURPLE MARTIN EVENT on Sat., June 22, 2024!

Welcome to the internet's gathering place for Purple Martin enthusiasts
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Kathy in VA
Posts: 207
Joined: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:24 am
Location: Virginia/Scottsburg
Martin Colony History: It took me 11 years to get martins. It finally happened in 2010! Been going strong, ever since! I have a 12-gourd rack, full and overflowing!! I love this hobby!

The 29th ANNUAL PURPLE MARTIN FIELD DAY in Virginia is just 4 weeks away! Make plans now to attend!

Date: Saturday, June 22, 2024
Time: 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. ET
Location: Central Virginia (Louisa County)(60 miles NW of Richmond)

Are you desperate to start a martin colony?
Wanting to go from ‘Wannabe” to “Landlord” status?
Hungry for a larger colony?
Having trouble with snakes, raccoons, owls or hawks?
Wondering if gourds or houses are better for martins?—and which type of housing martins prefer?
Need help stopping starlings or House Sparrows from pecking eggs or killing your martins, Tree Swallows and bluebirds?
Come and get answers!

Lance Wood and Kathy Laine will teach about these topics and more! Learn how to attract martins, how to reduce predator attacks, why all your martins may have disappeared (and how to prevent it), how to deal with nest site competitors (bluebirds, Tree Swallows, starlings, House Sparrows, etc.), and how to grow gourds and turn them into martin homes. You’ll get free catalogs for high-quality martin equipment, plus literature about martin attraction and management. Bring a bag lunch to eat while you listen to the presentations and watch more than 70 pairs of martins feeding their nestlings! Meet other martin-lovers and ask questions of experienced landlords. If you came to the Field Day many years ago, much has changed since that first event, 29 years ago!—more displays, more DOOR PRIZES, and more info. to HELP YOU become a better landlord and be able to help our martins even more!
FREE, but donations are appreciated to cover expenses.

Arrive before 11:00 a.m. so you won’t miss the Door Prize give-away (including free GOURDS!) and the beginning of the presentations.
See for directions, photos, and what to bring (and NOT bring!)

RAIN POLICY: PLEASE CHECK THE WEBSITE THE MORNING OF THE EVENT TO BE SURE IT WILL BE HELD! (If rain/storms are predicted, we may need to cancel or post special instructions on the website—refresh/reload the web page often.)

Questions? Call Kathy Laine at (434) 222-1831 (Leave a voicemail with your name and phone number.)

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Kathy in VA
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