Troubling situation occurring on a Martin colony video stream

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Matt F.
Posts: 3957
Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:48 am
Location: Houston, TX

Greetings all,
I've been recently watching a live video stream of a Martin colony on YouTube, located at the Train Station Musuem in La Plata, MD.
Here is a link to the stream:
It's a great looking setup, that someone obviously put a lot of time and effort into setting up - including what appears to be a custom fabricated mulitpurpose pole, with two traditional houses mounted on it.
One of the first things you'll notice though, are all round holes being used.
This leads to the troubling situation mentioned in the subject line.
Unfortunately, the colony appears to be suffering a slow, systematic, starling takeover, all on video.
They have now taken over what appears to be at least three gourds - gourds that were occupied by Martins.
It's entirely possible there are one or more dead adult Martins are in those gourds, having being killed trying to defend their cavities.
There are most likely addition cavities that have been forcefully taken over, that are out of view of the camera.
Unless whoever manages this site converts all the round holes to starling resistant entrances, then what we're witnessing right now is the beginning of the end of this wonderful colony.
I sent an email to the YoutTube channel owner, nicely explaining the situation, and asked them if they could please notify the caretaker of that colony, and at a minimum let them know what is going on.
Perhaps the PMCA could contact the La Plata Train Station Museum, explain the situation, and maybe even offer assistance in getting that housing converted to having all starling resistant entrances?
Posts: 720
Joined: Sat Apr 25, 2020 10:54 pm
Location: Rocky Mount VA
Martin Colony History: 60 gourds
2020- visitors
2021- 1 pair-5
2022- 5 pair-20
2023 34 pair-44
2024 39 pair-TBD

man I hope they fix it. Those nasty Starlings are doing what Starlings do... Nice job trying to notify someone and save the colony.
"Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you." - Lao Tzu
John Miller
Posts: 4840
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Location: St. Louis, MO

Matt! If it's not one thing it's another. I found a number online and called and politely offered to advise...person who answered was not familiar and referred me to voice mail of someone who is not back until Tuesday. I left my number and that of PMCA. Maybe more of us should call next week and say we appreciate they have martins and just want to try to offer counsel. Personally, I'd let what starlings are there nest until the eggs hatch, then throw out the nest and young, (best way to get them to abandon in my experience) and ultimately switch to those SuperGourds to ones with crescent entrances next season. Maybe someone can help donate, if they need money.
Matt F.
Posts: 3957
Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:48 am
Location: Houston, TX

Hi John,
Great work on getting the number and calling them. I know if there's anyone that can inform and educate someone in a non-off-putting manner, it is you.
Just thinking out loud - I wonder if going this route with those Supergourds might be the path of least resistance: ... er-tunnel/
I would gladly donate the cause.
Someone really put some effort into the housing at that site, not the least of which is a really nice looking, custom fabricated multipurpose pole, that has two 24-hole wooden houses mounting on it.
Attached is a photo of that site from the internet, that gives a better view of the overall setup.
It would be awesome of the PMCA would assist with active colonies like this that may be in dire need of housing improvements, and that meet certain criteria - sort of like a "Project Colony Renovation", and then feature them in the Update mags.
Screenshot 2023-05-25 at 12.31.41 PM.png
(1.57 MiB) Not downloaded yet
Posts: 52
Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:06 pm
Location: fredericksburg, va
Martin Colony History: 2016 6/1 Pole put up late due to HOA . Had visitor birds but no pairs that stayed.
2017 3/1 visitor birds but no pairs that stayed.
2018 3/1 visitor birds but no pairs that stayed.
2019 3/1 visitor birds but no pairs that stayed. Brothers Martins didn’t show up at all at his pole 10 miles away.
2020 7/30 Had 3 pairs, 1st- 5 eggs/ 2nd hatched 2 fledged, 2nd - 5 eggs/ 2-5 hatched fledging. 3rd formed late July and no nest built.
2021 3/1 no pairs returned. One lone male hung out few days then left. Weather was bad.
2022 6/1 one pair all four eggs that hatched fledged. I’ve had 6-8 visitors.
2023 6/15 Eleven pairs 4-6 babies per nest. 51 babies total hatched. Will start fledging July 4th until end of July. I am in total shock.....Wow

I think adding some Starling resistant entrance holes would be a good idea. Might have to do that with tunnel adapters or some other custom modification. Most of those are round holes and just asking for a starling to come in. The house sparrows you can trap or an established colony can chase off but I prefer to trap them with a repeating trap and send them to the long dark. It is a nice setup for sure. Just needs a tech upgrade.

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