Dead Adult Male

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Found this poor guy in one of my gourds. Note the wounds to the head. Did he go there to die? I’m going to wash it out before hanging it up
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Conrad Baker
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No, he was probably cornered in the gourd by at least one or two sparrows and attacked. The wounds look pretty serious so I doubt he would have been able to fly back to the gourd that way.
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Apr 17, 2023 8:18 pm
Location: Northeast Arkansas

Hmm. Could be. Haven’t seen any sorties hanging around.
Martin man RI
Posts: 440
Joined: Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:04 pm
Location: MA/RI area

Can you please tell me what type of gourd or home you use ? Before i tell you what happen. Type of Hole too.

Ray Marr
landlord since 1996
manage 300 Martins
Rhode Island
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2018 1 pair fledged 5
2019 10 pair
2020 25 pair
2021 42 Pair
2022 60 Pair
2023 72 Pair

I have found three adult males, and one adult female in the same condition in gourds with crescent entrances. The females were so battered up that it had no feathers or skin left on it, and he Osward bulging. I found her and went ahead and put her out of her misery quickly.
Dave Reynolds
Posts: 2308
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Location: Little Hocking, Oh.
Martin Colony History: 2017 Visitors
Satellite Site “Oxbow Golf Course”..
2018 - 15 Pair, 58 Eggs, 36 Fledged
2019 - 26 Pair, 128 Eggs, 97 Fledged
2020 - 30 Pair, 156 Eggs, 137 Fledged
2021 - 30 Pair, 162 Eggs, 144 Fledged
2022 - 27 Pair, 146 Eggs, 125 Fledged
2023 - 31 Pair, 157 Eggs, 130 Fledged

Home Site "Little Hocking, Ohio".
2019 - 1 Pair, 5 Eggs, 5 Fledged
2020 - 1 Pair, 4 Eggs, 4 Fledged
2021 - 8 Pair, 39 Eggs, 36 Fledged
2022 - 13 Pair 64 Eggs, 46 Fledged
2023 - 16 Pair, 89 Eggs, 84 Fledged

.. I too found a male martin in the grass under my rack.. Looked like all the feathers were gone around his neck. I think it was another martin fighting for the same gourd.. Good Luck,,

PMCA Member
Little Hocking, Ohio
Martin man RI
Posts: 440
Joined: Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:04 pm
Location: MA/RI area

Yes that is correct you must remove all crescent gourds or your colony will never grow do the right thing end the senseless murder of Martins and
not there fault human error. Crescent gourd were a pioneer in SREH not alot of study done mass produced over 15 yrs ago no longer used replaced by ConleyII
It a obsolete gourd in todays world. Now Purchase Conley II gourd holes cut out and throw away that Crescent hole with a porch trap and end the killings.
I am a former owner of 24 I would find Martins the same issue dead. I cut out the crescent gourd holes out and that ended the issue. Plus once you add the conley II
holes will double your number the birds avoided the narrow crescent holes. That goes for houses too remove the crescent holes add conley holes. Large numbers of
crescent gourds have been sold in NJ I fear what the death toll are like yearly. Large number of Conley gourds have been sold here in Eastern New England and not
one person has ever called about that issue. The entire Cape cod area has seen a compete recover of the species and most is if not all sites are Conley. Here is RI one
site is Crescent and i know of one in MA that is crescent. But most if not all Martin colony's in Eastern New England are Troyers gourds. The last yr i used crescent gourds
was 2007. I have no regret i work with community and manage numerous colony's threw out RI and MA. If people want Martins they contact me. I have a legacy of Advocacy
Threw out New England. I work with numerous Golf clubs and Environmental groups and Private citizens
Please today remove those Crescent gourds They hold nothing but a dark pass history. Keep the gourds and houses just cut out and add Conley II Holes. Tunnels and plate
for houses. You will find you have much happier colony and twice as many. Its not easy taking about the issue. But im sure other landlords will agree i'm very correct.
I can only post about my Great Experience with Conley II holes and no issues. Im sure the others work just fine as well. The most popular gourd with dead martins threw out
the country is the Crescent gourd. Please do right thing and remove the hole and porch.
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Apr 17, 2023 8:18 pm
Location: Northeast Arkansas

Martin Man, I’m a little confused. How can I modify my existing gourds to the specifications you list? This is the only time I’ve had a dead adult in this condition and as mentioned before I haven’t seen any sparrows hanging around, only one persistent starling.

I don’t have the tools to do extensive modifications. Finances won’t allow it at this time. Would I be better off buying new gourds?
Posts: 1025
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Martin Colony History: Colony started in 1998. 2 s&k modified houses and gourd rack

I switched to crescent SREH 18 years ago, and have never had a Martin die or get seriously hurt in a fight.. I’ve had lots of fights, but the loser always comes out through the crescent SREH…
PMCA member
Laplace, La
Martin man RI
Posts: 440
Joined: Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:04 pm
Location: MA/RI area

Sorry, wish i could help just keep a eye out for fights. You do need a saw and other tools to change over the gourds.
Its a fall project. Ask around and see if a handy person can help you. I did all mine in the fall and before the birds returned.
Its rare that this happen but is more common in crescents. And i have a super large number of gourds so the odds would be much higher
with me. Best of luck

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