Public Spaces/Corporate America

Welcome to the internet's gathering place for Purple Martin enthusiasts
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Posts: 254
Joined: Sun May 22, 2005 6:39 pm
Location: New York/Cicero

I recently had the opportunity to work in Florida at a company (which I can not name) that had a thriving purple martin colony (three gourd racks, 36 gourds and at least 20 to 25 nesting pairs). I occurred to me that some of the best locations for attracting martins is at public places or at corporate properties.

I'd like to encourage all martin enthusuists and especially any wantabees who might have a poor location to consider seeking permission, assuming responsibility for, and trying to establish a colony at public parks, senior centers, schools or place of business. You'd be surprised how easy this can be. Many companies are open to the idea as a way to improve their corporate culture and improve their public image (my current employer sprung for a Lonestar house which we are putting up outside of our main conference room overlooking our duck pond). All they need is someone to volunteer to assume responsibility for managing the colony. The same goes for public places near parks and ponds (especially if the housing is donated).
Martin man RI
Posts: 440
Joined: Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:04 pm
Location: MA/RI area

Here in New England where Martin colony's are few and far between
i have taken on two Private country club colony's last years the golfer's
really enjoyed the birds and never once did i show up and not get asked
how the Martins are? my sign poster and racks were paid by the private
golf coarses!!! and i will be the monitor the birds! The exposure the birds
get at public sites is well worth the project and look what it cost zero dollars
many more Martins will fleg from my work! after years of being neglected
and not be looked after. Most of all i love to tell people what a special and
popular swallow they are and people love the conservation work and feel
because its a club that they too have had a hand in helping the martins!
Golf coarses are very welling to help and support the Purple Martin!
Talk to a local golf coarse today and add a new site to monitor you will be
so happy you did. Ray in RI

That is a GREAT idea.

I instantly thought of a great place at my husband's place of business.

Thank you for sharing a great idea that would benefit all.

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