Following and participating the last 4 years I was wondering if the PMCA has data to share on the needs for the species with any numbers regarding new housing.
I see around 3400 give or take a hundred every year posted in the scout arrival annual study, What calculations has the PMCA derived as the need for more expansion? Is it 3400 report and 5X that don't? Would you calculate the avg colony at 15? Math and then dividing by total bird population guestimates, etc etc... to determine the overall need for X amount of new housing and landlords...
I realize there is no exact number but just curious as to the organizations best guess into what additional needs are there for long term.
Has the PMCA ever looked to expand it's footprint into Regions and additional staffing beyond volunteers to foster additional landlords and growth? Thanks to the organization and what it's accomplished, just curious as to what it sees as it's future role in the conservation/education/and growth. Thanks if responding.
Estimated housing PMCA
- Posts: 741
- Joined: Sat Apr 25, 2020 10:54 pm
- Location: Southwestern VA
- Martin Colony History: 2020- 0
2021- 1 pair-5
2022- 5 pair-20
2023 34 pair-44
2024 30 pair-122
"Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you." - Lao Tzu