Any body still have PM to fledge

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Posts: 178
Joined: Mon Sep 25, 2017 9:02 pm
Location: Saskatchewan Canada

I was wondering how many still have chicks to fledge? I have three pairs left, one family will fledge any day and the other two will be at least a week.
Posts: 231
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:30 pm
Location: Long Lake SD
Martin Colony History: * 2016 - 1 nesting pair (ASYM + SYF) 2/3 eggs hatched 2 young fledged.
* 2017 - 4 nesting pairs, 16/17 eggs hatched, 16 fledged, 16 banded - 2 banded SY returned in 2018 (12.5%), added housing: 11 houses w/gourds, 4 gourd poles = 376 cavities
* 2018 - 10 nesting pairs, 46/52 eggs hatched, 45 fledged, 29 young banded - 3 banded SY returned in 2019 (10.3%)
*2019 - 32 nesting pairs, 145/160 eggs hatched, 139 fledged - 87 young banded - 12 banded SY returned in 2020 (13.8%).
* 2020 - 35 nesting pairs, 180/199 eggs hatched, 178 fledged - 150 young banded - 42 banded SY returned in 2021 (28.0%).
* 2021 - 89 nesting pairs, 363/446 eggs hatched, 355 fledged - 150 young banded - 19 banded SY returned in 2022 (12.7%).
*2022 - 116 nesting pairs, 495/579 eggs hatched, 471 fledged - 150 young banded.
27 banded SY returned in 2023 (18.0%)
*2023 - 160 nesting pairs, 708/828 eggs hatched, 572 fledged - 150 young banded

I have one more pair of SY matins that have 4 nestlings that will be 29 days old tomorrow. Two of them fledged today, but it was cold (65 F) and windy (25 mph) all day long. Both sat on a perch on an adjacent martin house for a few hours but flew back into their nest cavity to join their siblings to stay warm. It is supposed to be calm and warmer tomorrow, so I assume all will fledge tomorrow. I know of another colony in northern SD which has one more nest scheduled to fledged on the 15th. The nesting season is certainly nearing its end. My last tree swallow nest fledged yesterday, a handful of barn swallows are half way to fledging but still have a few house wren nests with eggs!
Posts: 178
Joined: Mon Sep 25, 2017 9:02 pm
Location: Saskatchewan Canada

Every year is different, last year my martins were gone with in the first few days of August this year that same house of martins was gone By the 25 of July. I built and installed another house this year which has 3 pairs that are still going to take a week to fledge, I had read a article that said the older your colony’s get they will come earlier every year and leave earlier, I have only been a landlord for 2 years now so I will have to wait and see if that is true.
Posts: 2879
Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2017 11:15 am
Location: Corpus Christi Tx
Martin Colony History: 2016- Visitors.
2017- 5 pair. 15 fledged
2018- 18 pair. 85 fledged
2019- 17 pair. 81 fledged
2020- 25 pair. 111 fledged
2021- 28 pair. 118 fledged
2022- 33 pair. 151 fledged
2023- 33 pair. 165 fledged
2024- 40 pair.
HOSP: 52 Starlings: 29
Home colony: mix natural, super, Troyer and excluder gourds, enlarged compartment house. All SREH.
Satellite colony: Oso Bay Preserve: 36 PMCA excluder gourds, 6 room trio mini castle with troyer tunnels and enlarged compartments.
2019: Visitors
2020: 3 pair, 11 fledged
2021: 10 pair, 30 fledged
2022: 11 pair, 35 fledged
2023: 18 pair, 101 fledged
2024: 39 pair,
PMCA member

Randy thats interesting, year before last the ASYs and SYs fledged out late july (year before that they came around late april-no real historical data as that was my first year and the birds probaly came from a displaced home). This year it was earlier by about 3 weeks. I remember because of my notes but especially 4th of july im always a bit worried about the fireworks bugging them. Not this year.
2018 they arrived 23 feb. 2019 they arrived 14 feb.
Im going to save some cavities for the subbies this year, but i suspect they will start laying when those around them do.
A good house sparrow is a dead house sparrow.
Ed Pace
Posts: 680
Joined: Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:31 pm
Location: NY/Jamestown

I have a late nest, ASYM and SYF that have three youngsters two of which fledged today the 14th and I am expecting the last one to fledge tomorrow or the next day. It's neat to watch the parents feed the two outside the nest sometimes in a tree sometimes in flight and then go back and feed the single one in the nest ,they're really good parents but I'm sure they're itching to leave. It's been a long season but still way too short ,good luck next year. Ed.
Posts: 300
Joined: Thu May 12, 2016 11:03 am
Location: SW Ohio
Martin Colony History: Colony established May 20, 2017 after three unsuccessful years. Persistent and aggressive Tree Swallows plagued the site, but beyond learning - and practicing - to control them, was the return in 2017 of a 2016-SY-M previously unable to find a mate. As a handsome ASY-M, he brought along two females and a swagger that soon put the Tree Swallow issue to rest. As the anchor pair, he and his mate hatched all six of their eggs into fat and healthy babies into what settled in to be a three-pair, flourishing new colony with up to 11 birds total, including 3 SY-M trouble makers.

Seemed to be one especially late brood this season here in SW Ohio. Here are my notes for the last couple weeks; was trying to pay closer attention this year at departure time:

2019 Departure

Monday, August 5, 2019
Some of the Martins are still here. Spotted about 20 this morning at 10:00 a.m. One family is still feeding a late nest of babies – Gourd 8.
The rest of the 20+ could have been made up of a few visitors for the “fledge party”. Pretty quiet around here most of the day.
Clearly several of the Martins have already left.

August 8, 2019
One pair still feeding some late babies – Gourd 8.
And Maverick is still buzzing the tower! 
About 3 or 4 Martins seen this morning, up until about noon.

August 14
Morning - Maybe 30 or 40 Martins early morning, clearly trying to entice the last baby out of Gourd 8, raucous bunch, looking in gourds, hopping, flapping, flying.

Evening/Night – Not a single Martin. Gourd 8 looks empty, all Martins seem to be gone. Will check again tomorrow morning, but this appears to be the last day for Martins in 2019. Very quiet . . .

August 15,
No Martins.
2023-42 Nests, 197 Eggs/Babies
2022-48 Nests Fledged 203
2021-43 Nests Fledged 185
2020-31 Nests Fledged 133, three early deaths due to cold & rain
2019-19 Nests Fledged 84
2018-11 Nests Fledged 48, ASY-M Arrived April 6, Despite Snow & Cold, Joined Soon by Mate & Two Adult Pairs
2017-3 Nests Fledged 13, FIRST-YEAR LANDLORD! Resident SY-M from 2016 Returned (as ASY-M) on May 20. At Least 11 Adult Residents
2016 Late-Arriving SYs, Resident Lone SY-M
2015-14 Many Visits
Curtis Reil
Posts: 119
Joined: Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:51 pm
Location: Alberta/Tofield
Martin Colony History: I inherited this colony when I purchased the property from my Great Uncle. To the best of my knowledge, he had hosted Martins since 1977. Housing consisted of three twelve compartment units that he had built. Small compartments, round holes and no way to lower for managing. There were maybe 6-8 pairs here when we moved in. Through reading up on information provided by the PMCA and that provided to me by Bob Buskas, the decision was made to upgrade the housing. We are now fully switched over to North Star houses and hosted 58 pairs this season(2017). 60 compartments open for business and being so close to 100% occupancy, I believe we may expand housing offered next season. Expansion will continue contingent to high occupancy, being able to keep up on management and or until it starts to feel like work.

I’m in the Edmonton, AB area. More often than not, everybody has hit the road by August 16th which is my birthday. Sort of anticlimactic. But we’ve still got 20 or so martins hanging around and I’ve got four nests yet to fledge. These remaining nests should all be fledging over the next eight days. I’m not complaining as we get to enjoy them for a little longer than the norm.
Martin man RI
Posts: 440
Joined: Sun Dec 14, 2003 7:04 pm
Location: MA/RI area

1 pair in Barrington Rhode Island (Fledged today)
1 pair Rehoboth Massachusetts (fledge time 8/28) Excellent season for the northeast Many chicks produced. Most years the last Martins
exit the area around labor day. The main flock left first week of Aug. Im sure many are in New Jersey at the roost along
the maurice river in Cumberland County. One pair came back to roost and all fledged mom and dad with them what a great site.
i will miss them and see them back in early April. I will be in FLA in two weeks Vacation and will be looking for south bound birds.
Cannot wait. Hope i see some large flocks.

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